Canopy structure of stacked ‘tabletops’ for focal point of Kings Cross regeneration area, hosting events and cultural activity

  • Commission follows competition run by Argent and the Aga Khan Foundation
  • Canopy made up of five table-like forms stepping upwards from square
  • Three-dimensional cluster of forms will host modestly scaled events for adjacent retail and cultural centre
  • Structure engineered to be as slender as possible, contrasting with context of Victorian coal drops and transit sheds
  • Anchors Lewis Cubitt Square within the wider regeneration masterplan
  • Design allows rainwater to cascade from one canopy to the next, feeding water features cut into the surface of the square
5 table-like forms Each of the tables rests upon the other, ensuring that as few columns as possible touch the surface of the square
Subtle frame The cluster of objects is engineered back to their most delicate and slender form
Back to the model room Creating a three-dimensional cluster of objects
Sunlight and shadows
Different idea A more delicate table-like form.
Model making Patterns in the canopy
Playing with light
Playing with shadows
Model making
Coal Drop Yard Inspiration Bringing local history into the new
Aerial model view Playing with shapes
Sketching With contextual inspiration
Study of the sites historic context Seeking inspiration from the Victorian back drop of the linear coal drops and transit sheds.
Sketching ideas For a public pavillion

Cubitt Square