On 26th July we hosted the third instalment of the Fight Club series, Fight Club: Rumble in the Concrete Jungle. The event featured five speakers from across planning, place making, urban renewal, estate wide regeneration and heritage led activism.
The event, a platform for debate, was provocative and in parts argumentative. The format consistent with previous fight clubs, saw experts in their field, in this case the planning system, pitch their vision for addressing social inequalities in the built environment whilst simultaneously addressing the climate crisis.
The audience of over 70, represented a broad cross section of society, and the speaker's pitches were followed by an engaged debate from multiple voices in the room. There were many topics debated, often in heated exchange, with opinions voiced and challenged in equal measure. The event encouraged views to be aired honestly, with emotion + passion, raw + uncut, unedited + without rehearsal. This allowed the fighters to dispense their daily personas typically confined by etiquette, instead releasing their inner selves to amazing effect.