Morris+Company Associate Hugh Queenan joined the "Collaboration and Care: Designing for a Net Zero Future" panel discussion hosted by Heyne Tillett Steel as part of the London Festival of Architecture.
The event aimed to interrogate how those in the built environment industry are working together to deliver sustainable outcomes that care for buildings, cities and communities. The event focussed on the importance of collaboration across the built environment and the benefits of sharing knowledge and tools to improve everyone's understanding of the effect the industry can have on the environment.
The panel included representatives from across the built environment, including Steve Gilchrist from Grosvenor Estate, Tim den Dekker from Feilden Clegg Bradley, Laura Bally from Heyne Tillett Steel, Alistair Kenyon from Alinea, and Hugh Queenan from Morris+Company.
The event was chaired by Sarah Cary from Place Enfield Council.